Friday, October 19, 2012

Texas Trip

While in Texas for the OU/TX game,
I got to go meet my cousin's twins!
(The twins belong to Lauren and 
Scott Tilley - my cousins)
They were born September 30th.

Holding my cousin, Londyn

The new mom, me with Londyn, and the new mimi!

Sweet little Londyn

Elijah was born with Hypoplastic
left heart syndrome - it's a congenital heart
defect in which the left ventricle of the heart
is severely underdeveloped.

Because of Elijah's condition,
Lauren and Scott have been in Dallas
Texas.  They live in Oklahoma City,
But the closest trained surgeon for this
particular thing is in Dallas.  They have
a temporary apartment near the hospital
where Elijah is staying.

So, the latest news is that Elijah
cannot have the Norwood surgery
(it's the first surgery in a series of
three surgeries that babies with 
hypoplastic left heart syndrome have).
Earlier in the week, the surgeon saw
some things on Elijah's echocardiogram
that he didn't like.  There is a valve
leaking.  This means that
Elijah needs a new heart.
He has been placed on the
heart transplant list.  It could take
six to nine months for Elijah to
get a new heart.  

Lauren wrote the following on her
Facebook page earlier:

"God has a different plan for Elijah. 
I know I posted only a few hours ago 
that he was going to be having his
major surgery tomorrow. The surgeon 
came in later and said he saw some things 
on the latest echocardiogram that makes
Elijah ineligible for the Norwood procedure. 
Elijah will now be put on the transplant 
list for a new heart. I didn't understand
why our surgeon got hurt in an accident. 
I didn't understand why they had to go in
and perform the PA surgery on Thursday. 
Today I was told it is a very good thing

that they went ahead and did that PA 

surgery because if they were to do it now

would be risky because of what is leaking
in Elijah's heart. This valve was not leaking

before...but as he has spent time in the

hospital this problem has presented itself.

If they had performed the Norwood it would 

have been inevitable for this to happen and

his window for transplant would have been 

than it is now. Everything happens
for a reason. We need prayers that a heart 
becomes available for our little boy. We 
need prayers for strength to get through 
this. There are days where I feel so alone
and wonder why we are in this situation. 
Maybe someday I will understand. Thank you
for everyone who is supporting and praying.
It is in God's hands."

This sweet little family
needs lots of prayers.
I will keep you updated.

Scott and Lauren with their sweet babies

We also celebrated my dad's birthday
while we were in Texas.
(The cute puppy in all the pictures
is Gizmo, our new nephew)

Pecan Pie from Pappas Brothers - yum.

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